Vaccinations and travel advice are important to prevent certain illnesses and reduce the risk of becoming unwell when travelling abroad. Whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure, it is important to receive the relevant vaccines and medical treatment before you go.

We offer a full range of vaccines for international travel, including the Yellow fever vaccine. Some vaccines may need to be ordered, so contact us 4-6 weeks before you travel to make sure they’re available when you need them.

To book a consultation, please complete our Travel Health Form. Once reviewed, we will be in touch to arrange a suitable appointment. During your visit, one of our doctors will administer your vaccine/s as well as provide travel advice – both general and specific to the region you are travelling to – and information leaflets.

We are subscribed to the TRAVAX web service for up to date information on vaccine and malaria recommendations for all global regions.

Travel Vaccination Booking Form

Once we have received your booking form, a member of our reception team will be in touch with you by text sms within 48 hours to confirm an appointment. The 48 hours does not include weekends or bank holidays.

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