Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

In the years leading up to this, hormones are cycling up and down and 80% of women suffer from a wide variety of symptoms like increased anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and muscle pains.

We offer a dedicated menopause and perimenopause service with our experienced doctors in Women’s health. This consultation offers a holistic approach to menopause, its broad range of symptoms and treatment options.

Please fill in the questionnaire linked below and we will contact you to arrange an appointment suitable to you.

Menopause health Checklist

Feeling tense or nervous
Difficulty sleeping
Memory problems
Feeling tired
Crying spells
Muscles and joint pains
Pins and needles
Hot flushes
Loss of interest in sex
Vaginal dryness
Do you have a family or personal history of the following?
If so, what contraception are you using?
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